List of baby things to buy before birth in Nigeria

Essential Baby Items to Prepare for Before Birth in Nigeria

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby is an exciting time for expectant parents. In Nigeria, it’s essential to have a comprehensive list of baby items ready well before the due date. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

Baby Clothes and Beddings

  1. Newborn Clothing: Stock up on onesies, sleepers, and bodysuits in various sizes to accommodate your baby’s growth.
  2. Swaddle Blankets: These provide comfort and security to your baby.
  3. Receiving Blankets: Useful for swaddling, as burp cloths, and for covering your baby.
  4. Crib and Bedding: Ensure a safe and comfortable sleep environment with a crib, crib mattress, and fitted crib sheets.

Feeding Essentials

  1. Baby Bottles: Purchase a set of baby bottles and nipples, whether you plan to breastfeed or use formula.
  2. Breast Pump: If you plan to breastfeed, a breast pump is a handy tool for expressing milk.
  3. Bottle Sterilizer: Ensure your baby’s feeding items are clean and sanitized.
  4. Bottle Warmer: For safely warming breast milk or formula to the right temperature.
  5. Bibs and Burp Cloths: Keep your baby clean during feeds.

Diapering and Hygiene

  1. Diapers: Stock up on both disposable and cloth diapers.
  2. Changing Table: A designated space for diaper changes.
  3. Diaper Bag: Keep baby essentials organized when on the go.
  4. Baby Wipes and Diaper Cream: Ensure baby’s skin stays clean and healthy.
  5. Baby Bathtub: Make bath time safe and comfortable.

Nursery and Sleep Essentials

  1. Baby Monitor: Keep an eye on your baby from another room.
  2. Crib Mobile: Provide visual and auditory stimulation for your baby.
  3. Nightlight: A soft, comforting light for nighttime checks.
  4. Rocking Chair or Glider: Essential for soothing your baby to sleep.

Health and Safety

  1. Baby Car Seat: A must for safe transportation.
  2. First Aid Kit: Be prepared for minor accidents.
  3. Childproofing Supplies: Make your home safe for a curious baby.

Baby Gear

  1. Stroller: Choose a stroller that suits your lifestyle and terrain.
  2. Baby Carrier: A hands-free way to carry your baby.
  3. Playpen or Play Yard: Create a safe play area for your baby.

Clothing and Accessories

  1. Baby Hats and Socks: Keep your baby warm and cozy.
  2. Mittens: Protect your baby from scratching their face.
  3. Baby Shoes: For when your baby starts walking.

Toys and Entertainment

  1. Baby Toys: Soft toys, rattles, and age-appropriate toys for stimulation.
  2. Baby Books: Start fostering a love for reading from an early age.


  1. Baby Laundry Detergent: Gentle on your baby’s sensitive skin.
  2. Baby Toiletries: Shampoo, lotion, and soap made for babies.
  3. Nursing Pillow: Provides support during feedings.
  4. Baby Thermometer: Be ready for any health concerns.
By having these essential baby items prepared before birth, you’ll be well-equipped to welcome your new bundle of joy and ensure their comfort, safety, and happiness.

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